From boat lowering to repairs, this section contains information on the rules and regulations regarding ship operations in the port.
Lowering of Lifeboats, rescue boats and any other survival crafts into the water within a Petroleum Port is strictly prohibited, except in case of an emergency.
No repairs shall be made to the engines which may hamper the ship’s movement without prior written permission from the Harbour Master. When repairs are required, permission must be received with conditions on execution by the Harbour master.
Hot work on Vessels/ Crafts within Port limits is not allowed in principle. Under exceptional circumstances however, permission may be granted. In such exceptional cases, it is the responsibility of the Master of the vessel to make a formal request to the Harbour Master of the respective port based on a detailed risk assessment.
If the Harbour Master is of the opinion that such permission is to be granted subject to certain special conditions being enforced, he may do so at his discretion. Once the Harbour Master is satisfied with the controls in place, he shall then send written permission via e-mail to the Vessel’s Master,
The special conditions mentioned above may include dispatching a Fire Fighting tug to standby close to the vessel, for which the HM may enforce additional charges on the visiting Vessel/Craft.
On completion of the job, the vessel’s Master must report the same to the Harbour Master.
As part of the risk assessment executed by the Master of the vessel the following information must be submitted:
Underwater cleaning is not permitted within Port Limits.
Underwater inspections may be permitted by the Harbour Master subject to a duly completed Application, being submitted along with a Risk Assessment and other necessary documents.
Appropriate diving permits need to be obtained from PPA for all diving operations. The Port Control of the respective port must be informed on the VHF Channels mentioned above before the commencement of any diving operations.
The Diving Operations are to be carried out in compliance with ADNOC- Code of Practice V4-09.
The services of a Diver may be available to Vessels where it is essential that a diver’s services are required to enable a vessel to sail.
All requests for such services should be routed through the ship’s Agent to the Port Authority / Company.